May 19 2003, 05:31 PM
Found a 75 2.0 for a friend. The car runs well and has decent power. on start up there seems to be a little oil sputter out the exhaust. I dont think its gas and soot. Any ideas on what the problem is?
Aaron Cox
May 19 2003, 05:34 PM
first of all, fill in yur location! 2nd, i have no clue why oil would sputter out exhaust. blowby is from a bad piston ring, but that is loss of compression, hmmmm i dont know
May 19 2003, 05:37 PM
Is it just when cold? (if so, could be condensation)
May 19 2003, 05:42 PM
Ok location all fixed
- I'll verify if it happens when it's hot. See if we can do a compression check too. That might answer some questions.
Aaron Cox
May 19 2003, 05:44 PM only on start up..... how long does it last?
btw...location didnt show up
May 19 2003, 05:48 PM
We just noticed the spray pattern on the ground from the exhaust. The muffler has alot of soot in it. Im assuming its oil that is being sprayed out. I'll ask him to verify if it's only at startup, cold, hot, and or shutdown. I'll also have him put a sheet down to make sure its oil and not the condensation mixed with soot. Thanks for the prompt replies - gives us an idea on what to check out.
Brad Roberts
May 19 2003, 06:29 PM
Does it still have the cat on it ?? Crap builds up on the Cat and needs to be burned off (driven)
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