Bruce Allert
Dec 15 2004, 08:22 AM
first time I've seen one. Do they work? Looks cool & the thought behind it seem like it'd work or do they just get it the way? I'm always wishing for another hand when I'm doing my valves!
The Tool......b
Dec 15 2004, 08:33 AM
i would think it would be in the way. i could do my valves in 20 mins, using a stubby flat head and a quarter drive socket. i would loosen the lock nut, slip in feeler, tighen/ loosen screw. then tighten nut and check the clearence again. about 2 or 3 times per adjust i would have to loosen the lock nut again because it walked.
Dec 15 2004, 08:39 AM
Maybe if the engine was out of the car. But when the engine is in you won't have enough room between the rockers and the inner ear.
How do I know? Well I bought one of those niffy tools years ago. I have never used it.
Dec 15 2004, 09:40 AM
too bad - it looks handy and cool to have.
-buddies come over and see it sitting in toolbox - "Wow, you need a special tool to adjust your valves? That's cool!"
Don't tell them it's useless, just say, "Yep, gotta be special 'cause it's a Por-sha"
Bruce Allert
Dec 15 2004, 09:43 AM
How does it work as to the increments on the handle? Looks like you could screw the valve stem closed then back it off to the desired spacing, hold it then tighten the nut. Am I close?
Dec 15 2004, 09:44 AM
I gotta lot of special tools; sawzall, hammer, port-a-band, welder....
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