Sep 17 2014, 02:13 PM
Here are some pictures of my pressure plate. Is this pressure plate still good or do I need a new one?
The clutch is off a core I am in the process of rebuilding. The friction plate measures 7.5mm thick, so I plan on replacing it.
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Sep 17 2014, 06:34 PM
with the Cap'n. I did not replace mine one time so a few months later I got to pull the trans again to replace it. Just think about how hard it has to work every time you shift gears. It can add up to a lot of wear.
Sep 18 2014, 08:00 AM
I'll 3rd the Capn. The spring fingers are rusted and the TOB contact points are worn, it's scrap metal.
How many times do you want to replace that part?