Have been working on a carb/slugishness issue on my 914 for a couple years. Two young kids leave me with little time to tinker. I find myself just wanting it to work so I can enjoy it when I have free time which is never.

insert random thought here: had a conversation with another car buddy a couple weeks back and he was saying that you need to keep your car workspace area clean and ready to start tinkering or you never will. In my case "stuff" (kids bikes, lawnmowers, garbage cans, old rugs, potting soil and planters) had been stacked up around my car. So when you have 30 minutes to maybe do something you don't even start cause it will take you 30 minutes just to clean up the area so you can work.

So I finally just took the time last night and pulled my carb again. I had a thread last year where you guys were watching as I "rebuilt" my carb. My carb issue topic from last year here.

Never really put the rebuild kit on, just discovered what the main issue was and fixed which allowed me to drive the car to Deutsche Marque Classic (A german car show here in Northern VA) last year and then to work a couple of days but I still had an issue when coming to stop, it wanted to stall out.

So last night I found some gunk in one of the jet ports and just cleaned it out and put the jet back in. I think (and I'm always a skeptic) it may have cleared all the stalling issues now. I also found that maybe air was getting into the gas around the crimp clamps on the plastic gas filter (see pictures in my post above) causing vapor lock when trying to start and maybe some gas leakage (not good) under pressure. I changed them to stainless steel clamps.

Took the car for a drive last night and it had all the power and fun I rememebr it having before. I couldn't make it stall out when coming to a stop. So cross your fingers.

I want to check one other thing. I want to tighten down my exhaust manifold. A few years back "Root" helped me change all the seals on my engine and give it a tune up. I did all the exhaust gaskets and had to change out a couple of exhaust studs. I remember I could twist some of the studs with my bare hand.

Then get it inspected...