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Full Version: I didn't even have use my AK, > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Dave Cawdrey
Wasn't gonna do shit today. Got up early. calvin.gif dance.gif Kids.

Helper dude shows up to help. Painted jfort's fog lights smash.gif Nice. POR 15'd the turn buckets. Nicer smile.gif

Come back to my Dad bringing the mail. DAMN blink.gif Got a couple airbrushed t-shirts. Amazing... clap56.gif Thanks so much, David McLaughlin.

Another envelope from.... Mueller Huh? Mike? Open it. Its a check from the needle bearing auction. I didnt know the $$ went to me confused24.gif Un-friggin-beliveable pray.gif

Today wuz a good day...
Dave Cawdrey
Looks like a nice job.

Was it cold there? You/helper is wearing long underwear? Also the Michel Jackson should be avoided...wear 2 gloves. smile.gif
Dave, I still owe you one more shirt. Let me know what size for your wife or if you wish sizes for the kids. I'll also be willing to make any changes that you see fit.

Oh, no need to thank me; I just filled an order placed by another person.

Nice job on the signal housings.
Bruce, they were doing it outside, see the shadows and glint on the housings. It was 88 degrees last week and has been 72-74 degrees everyday lately.
It just dawned on me that the title of this thread is a song (yes I am a little slow at times, I blame my blonde hair). Who sings it and what's the songs name?

"It was a good day" by Ice Cube off the album Predator.
Dave Cawdrey
QUOTE(Mockmaw @ Jun 13 2003, 08:35 AM)
"It was a good day" by Ice Cube off the album Predator.

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