Our current Checking account balance as of 5/5/16 is $3717.58
Our current Paypal account balance as of 5/5/16 is $0
Costs3/28 spent
$193.24 for Dog tags from Dan Dixon (his $75 registration came off the bill $268.24)
License plates
$600 for registrants. Extra's will be sold but be paid in advance. So this will go up from $600 but money will also come in to cover the extra's
AutoX track came in under budget at
$700 for the day
Thursday night BBQ & drinks
$300Friday lunch costco pizza (buying 20 for lunch) plus pop & water
$300Catered Hawaiian dinner $12 a plate (figuring 70 ish)
$900 Paid
$213.10 to Jim Hoyland for all the name tag's/lanyards
As of now we are covered but barely. Really had planned to have the t-shirts posted months ago. That way we could sell some extra's as a fundraiser. Still a few people left to pay plus some possible refunds. Couple people have bailed which happens every year.
4/11 bought 3 autoX Helmet's to have a few for the event. As well as 10 helmet socks from Amazon for
$385.50. Figured we could give them away as a prize after our autoX. That or keep them in the WCR for future event's. These are SA 2010 & were $119 each. We will have a few loaners with the group we are running through. I know some have helmet's too. Just wanted to make sure we had enough to go around without making swapping between people difficult.
I also have a couple check's coming by mail. They will go directly into checking as they arrive. Paypal I am transferring money to checking at the end of each week. The odd amount is just from the few people who paypal that had fee's. Most are sending as a friend so no fee's