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I have been researching 17" wheels for my real deal 6'er GT and a Clone GT.

Currently on the real deal 6'er I have 930 Turbo Fuch 16's 7 and 9 with 23 and 15 et's running 225 and 245 tires. Handles like it should at any speed. Plus I have another set of the above with race tires on em. W/O spacers the front looks some what empty.

On da Clone GT I have C4 wheels 996.362.128''s and 124's 9 and 7 with 55 et.s running 255 and 225. The problem is it is running 2" spacers in front that causes scrubbing problems galore. Doesn't take bumps well and runs like it is toe out or skates. I have looked at RSR frt suspension from Elephant but that only gives me 1" per side. And I need 2 " per side

I am also looking to put aftermarket 17's on both cars with NO SPACERS and low to negative et's.

Fikse sells a 914-6 GT 8/9" wheel with 5 et frt and rear that looks like it should do the deal. And when I put this size on the wheel and tire comparison site it comes out really good.

Euromesiter sell 17 with 23/10.6 and 15 et's which could work but then I would have to go with 7 or 7.5 fronts with a possible spacer.

Some one on this site stated they ran 16X9 front and rear and so I tried this and dam if it didn't work. Or I think it worked but the tire rubbed against the upper shock. And that tire was a 245. With a 225 or 215 it just might work.

Braid I have heard good and bad. Fox ditto. Euromeister just a little bit better.

Oh yes I would prefer the auld school RSR finish.

On frt rear inner tire rubbing problem Elephant sells a $69 spacer that goes on the steering rack to keep you from going to full lock to eliminate that problem

For all of you who have GT's fenders, what is the biggest wheel and tire you have placed on the front without spacers ?

Frogmut in Silly Valley

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