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One the way home from the Talemina Dr, my rear main seal gave out. I am set to replace it, but something has me puzzled.

some history:
Last summer, I pull my car out of an 8 year slumber. Rear seal was leaking slightly (just wet on the back end, but not really dripping). I replaced it while doing some tranny work along with the pilot bearing, felt washer, flywheel O-ring, etc, etc. After replacing the seal, it still leaked, but only slightly (just like before).

So I figure I will just live with it. No other leaks and engine is running great btw. That is until the OK trip when it starting leaking really bad (all over back of tranny, HE's, rear bumper, etc.)

So I pull the tranny yesterday, and sure enough.... oil coming out of the seal. But I can't figure out why? Mating surface is smooth. And yes, I lubed the seal (last time) before putting the flywheel back on. I have removed the old seal and it "looks" fine (except where I put the seal puller on it biggrin.gif ). I have a new one, but I am worried I am not going to fix anything because I am not sure what's broke......

I am starting to wonder if there is too much crankcase pressure and more oil is being pushed out the rear than the seal can handle....but I think I would have more leaks elsewhere if that were the case.... screwy.gif

any ideas?
oh, 1.8L with carb, btw
Check your galley plugs and make sure you're not leaking from there, too.

-Rusty smoke.gif
Cap'n Krusty
Case/heads need to be vented. The Cap'n
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