Feb 24 2017, 09:58 PM
I want to put a 911 style door panel in my 914 with a fiberglass panel from 914rubber. I would like to see what others have done with their door panels. Pics and ideas appreciated. My current door panel is included for your entertainment.
Feb 24 2017, 10:14 PM
Feb 24 2017, 10:16 PM
A 911 door panel. On a 911. The other one is on a 914.
Craig at CAMP
Feb 24 2017, 10:35 PM
Feb 25 2017, 07:03 AM
I'm not a fan of the stock 911 door pull.
Feb 25 2017, 09:02 AM
Larry's 911 look is pretty nice IMHO. Is it an available kit or custom made?
Feb 25 2017, 09:03 AM
George, I just sent Larry an IM saying the same....i like those.
Feb 25 2017, 03:28 PM
Glad you guys like the look. I responded to Dee that they're mostly custom, and that there's a thread I posted some time ago that has all the gory details, if you're interested:
Feb 25 2017, 04:48 PM
Amazing job! I envy your talents and ensign skills.
Feb 25 2017, 05:28 PM
What about an RS style door panel?
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