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I am looking at a Quick Jack 3500. It says it has 20.5" height with large lift blocks installed. Is that going to be enough room to install fuel injection engine with out air cleaner? Any experience with this?
Kinda depends on how high you jack up the car.
I've had the 2015 5000 model quick jack for the past few years and have done several engine drops with it. Works great. The only potential issue is that the angle of the lift frame can make it difficult to get a wrench on the engine bar bolts. This may be less of a thing with the newer models. But even if not, it just means you have to push the lift a little further forward and/or make a few extra turns of the wrench.

I like the QJ so much I'm going to buy the new 5000 SLX so I can also lift my Cayman. The 2015 model doesn't have a wide enough spread. If I were you, I'd go for the 5000...not the 3500. You'll find yourself wanting to use it on other cars and the 5,000 is more versatile. Plus you get an extra inch of lift for only a few hundred bucks more.

And wouldn't we all like to buy an inch for 200 wink.gif.

PS Definitely buy the engine jack plate from Tangerine. It makes dropping and reinstalling the engine a one man job. Once you try it, you'll never use a dolly or anything else. Also much safer since the plate is engineered to keep the engine/trans balanced as you drop it.

Elliot Cannon
Spend a few more bucks (if you can) and get a mid rise lift. You'll thank me later. laugh.gif
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