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Full Version: WTB Stock 19mm 911 front torsion bars > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Anybody have a pair [l&r] of stock front torsion bars from a 911 / SC/ or Carrera.
They would be 19 Millimeters.. and are Not the same spline count as a 914 - 4. .

OOPs wrong forum and I don't know how to move it

Looks like a set is on the way, thanks to Mr Potter. . .
Sway away and Elephant Racing sells new ones. Otherwise I see used ones all the time on EBay.. Used ones are usually pitted. What’s the consensus on future breakage from pitted and rusted used torsion bars
Ask on pelican
I have a set of stock 19 front that I removed from my personal car . Send me a text I’m open to fair offers. These are from an 83 carrera front end.
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