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The bushing at the pedal end, that the pin goes into and the retainer clip need replacing.
I found the clip on the PP website It is P/N K-166-001-02, but I need to verify the bushing I need is P/N
A-423-343-90. PP calls it the clutch cable arm bushing. The fork and lock nut are OK. Also, do I need the stop plate P/N B-423-283-00 with my new terry cable? This is the washer looking piece with a tab on it's outside edge. I'm thinking I don't, but want to make sure before I place another order.

Also, I heard and confirmed the Terry cable is longer than the OE cable. What do we need to do to account for this extra length? Would it be OK to thread the fork on farther than the recommended 10mm (.4") to make up the slack or would I have problems elsewhere? What other issues come up with the Terry cable? Does it hang down too much?. Do we cable tie it up to something?

Any help is greatly appreciated! pray.gif

i dont know but my new cable took a spacer and is all the way tightened and still seems alittle low. Im thinking of converting to hydraulic.
icon_bump.gif pray.gif
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