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This is my final run of the day on the destroyed track tires.



Link no worky
You still look fast for 1:03.4! Couple of comments, you were short shifting on the begining of the course, not getting enough speed out of the corners. My car was carrying a little more speed onto the first long straight - my car drifted all the way out to the cones on the left ( I had to drive the car back to the right) and you were all the way to the right early. On the way back you locked up the brakes before the slalom, I lifted for a split second in that spot (no brakes) and then was right back on the power in 3rd gear . Do you notice you go faster in the last section of tight stuff then during the first section because you have your engine up in higher rpm's? Maybe the first section would have gone faster if you attacked it with similar speed and aggressiveness. Granted my car is less powerful, but I was on the power in some of the sections where you were lifting or braking. Couple of places you could have straightened out corners a little more as well.

I'd say biggest thing is use the brakes a little less and get up into higher rpms coming out of corners.

I need to get me one of those video contraptions so we can compare runs.
Workey now
That course looks fun. Lots of place to get on the gas.
I would suck at an autocross

why dont you go out and play on the real tracks?

I know every weekend from march til late november I can test/tune,DE, or race within a reasonable distance of where I live!
AX costs $40 - $50 with gas and lunch.
3 local venues within 30 minutes of my house
you can use your street car - extra safety equipment isn't required
less risk to you and your car
it's fun
And you wait and wait and wait

I did a few AX when I got into this

the DE seem to me so much more bang for buck.

Our run sessions typically are 25 mins or longer

sorry like I said I would suck at AX but I can turn 1:00 at Lime Rock and 2:20's at Watkins Glen..and get almost 3 hours of track time when I do that?

Is there a big chain flying around the interior of your car? confused24.gif

P.S. I really need an in car camera
Joe Ricard
Man I wish I could drive up against you guys. I agree with Grant you left a ton of time on that course. Rev that motor. Porsche built them tough to do this stuff.
Some people think I will scatter my engine all over the course. So 7 grand is alot but thats only sometimes.

Like if the course allows us to hit the rev limiter in 3rd and you need that extra 50ft of WOT before the next gate. Whip the standard rotor out of the magic bag and whala. None of the courses have long enough sections to shift to 4th.
What was all that clanking? I suspect the passenger belt harness?
Tim, I've been anxious to get out on the track but I've had second thoughts about doing a DE with lap belts and no roll bar since that Carrera GT accident.


Take your camera on Sunday and aim it at the speedo/tack.

Maybe a little out side to see where you are.

After that we'll be able to work out the gearing issue more easily.

I've had second thoughts about doing a DE with lap belts and no roll bar since that Carrera GT accident.

Good second thoughts.

After I did my first DE I installed a full cage and all the other safety stuff as well.

Excellant observations. My best time was 2 seconds faster,( 1:01 ) but I believe a more experienced driver in my car could have put up a 57-58 second run.

yes, Grant, I was slacking on the first half. Makes me crazy when I hear the motor on the video and I know I had so much more left. headbang.gif

the noise ( chain like ) yes the passenger belts were all over the place. I forgot to buckle them back together.

The video has been very helpful for me.
Sometimes it takes ten times watching a run to pick up a little quirk that equals lost time. Other times it's sooooo obvious.

Putting what I've learned into practice, that's another story... dry.gif

Tim, yes, the Big track is calling to me.

I'm eyeing an event in August and one in December.

Randal, good idea. wink.gif

Even better would be if you would come out and ride along. I need your help...

Marina is calling you. unsure.gif

john rogers
Great video, you need my tranny though!
you need my tranny though!

I know... drooley.gif $$$ drooley.gif


( need any tile work? )
it is amazing how much the in car sound is simliar to my car at least engine wise... porsche flat six to suby flat four. trek what muffler are you running, i have a traid knock off.

btw i still have all season tires and no sway bar i would have been going backwards several times pray.gif
Marina is calling you.  

You better hope I'm there, otherwise no timing/cone trailer.

This is what people do without cars, i.e., haul timing trailers.

Oh, and open up those tight little corners when the cones are thrown out! ohmy.gif

Awesome video. Since I have never AX'd I have nothing to add other than I can't wait to try it this fall. Videos like that make it tough to wait!

I can only imagine what my first runs will look like. barf.gif

Nice video. Get a wide angle attachment for the camera, and you'll be able to see alot more. Well worth it.

Oh, what is your brake set up? You need to get better brake modulation, or all that flatspotting is gonna bust your budget. If you're running race pads, DON'T. Not for an autox. If you're running a 19mm master, consider the 17mm. Contrary to popular belief, the 19mm doesn't give you better braking power, it just makes the pedal feel firmer. The 19mm will require less travel but more pedal pressure. Some people like the feel of the 19mm, some people can better modulate the brakes with the 17mm. That's often just an issue of preference. But the brake pads make a big difference. Lot's of other things that you can look at. But those flatspots can get really expensive. BTDT.

-Josh2 burnout.gif
QUOTE (TimT @ Jun 22 2005, 06:33 PM)
sorry like I said I would suck at AX but I can turn 1:00 at Lime Rock and 2:20's at Watkins Glen..and get almost 3 hours of track time when I do that?

Different strokes for different folks. AutoX is not nearly as hard on the equipment as Big Track stuff is. The risks are much, much lower. The requirements (and actual need for, not just the rules!) for safety equipment are much less. And the per-day expense is also much lower.

I will be driving a 914 on the Big Track again. (Thunder Hill was just soooooooo awesome when I drove it!) But not until I trust my car more. I just barely trust it for a ~35 minute drive on the freeway. Not for being flogged all day at max load/max revs.

I really like my new race pads, though. unsure.gif

17mm master. I hope to put the braided stainless lines and speed bleeders on today.

My brake locking is the result of my trying to apply the brakes too hard, too late. Speed Greed.

The in car video from Marina this weekend should be much better.

Lou W
That was really fun to watch. smilie_pokal.gif
Looks like fun. I think I'd kill a lot of cones though. MDB2.gif
QUOTE (jhadler @ Jun 23 2005, 09:26 AM)

Nice video. Get a wide angle attachment for the camera, and you'll be able to see alot more. Well worth it.

Oh, what is your brake set up? You need to get better brake modulation, or all that flatspotting is gonna bust your budget. If you're running race pads, DON'T. Not for an autox. If you're running a 19mm master, consider the 17mm. Contrary to popular belief, the 19mm doesn't give you better braking power, it just makes the pedal feel firmer. The 19mm will require less travel but more pedal pressure. Some people like the feel of the 19mm, some people can better modulate the brakes with the 17mm. That's often just an issue of preference. But the brake pads make a big difference. Lot's of other things that you can look at. But those flatspots can get really expensive. BTDT.

-Josh2 burnout.gif

It's nice to see someone with knowledge of how hydraulics works!

I'm upgrading to 19mm master because the amount of adrenaline of driving hard on a course against time will overpower the extra hardness of the pedal. With less hydraulic advantage with the larger MC, you will feel a lot more in the brake pedal giving you feedback on your driving and how the brakes are functioning. You don't have to push your foot as far, so you'll also have slightly quicker gas-brake-gas-brake transitions. It just takes practice to get your foot to bypass your brain to know just where it should be just before your wheels will lock up.

Thanks for posting your very nice video too! It's fun to watch these, and I can't wait to try it for myself!
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