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Full Version: OH SHIFT... hard to get 4th & 5th > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Well it was bound to happen, after two years of trouble free 914 fun I am am having problems shifting.


1) Having trouble with reverse, sometime grinds when going into.

2) No problem with first while rollling (at a stop sign and such) but to stop and try to put into first it grinds a little.

New problem today....

3) Very hard to get into and out of 4th & 5th

I hope it just needs the shifter adjusted, maybe new bushings confused24.gif I won't have time to look at it more until next week. Any other obvious things to check?
QUOTE (itsa914 @ Jun 23 2005, 07:30 PM)
3) Very hard to get into and out of 4th & 5th

check the set screw at the shifter coupler right behind the firewall (assuming you have a side-shifter) ...

i had the screw back out on me slowly which made it progressively harder to find the gears ...

as for the first not going in (or grinding) when not moving, that sounds like the slider is shot. not cheap ...
wink.gif Andy
I was having trouble getting 4th. There are 2 bushings on the shift rod joint as it comes out of the fire wall. Problem solved.

Reverse may be a clutch not completely disengaging, but a pilot bearing is another possibility. Be careful about this - if a pilot bearing goes bad - and its a cheap little pos - it will take the input shaft of your tranny along with it.
other possibilities:

engine mounts; transmission mounts.
Hey Garold,
If you end up having to take yours out, I have a side shifter up in LaPorte that you can use in the meanwhile. I haven't used it, but it seems to turn and go into gear just fine.

I'll be up there this weekend. Buzz my cell.
If you are having problems when the car is sitting still ,but not when it's moving then Check the Clutch Adjustment

If the clutch is not disengaging, then you will get problems like these.

Also check the clutch tube.
let me jump into this thread since i am having a similar problem. mine won't go into third, but it's intermittant. 80% of the time it shifts fine. but then, the other 20%, going from 2nd to 3rd is just like hitting a wall. if i go to 4th and come back to 3rd it's fine. any ideas?
QUOTE (ClayPerrine @ Jun 24 2005, 05:32 AM)
Also check the clutch tube.

Clutch tube. The 1st/rev problem would be the clutch being out of adjustment, and the 4th/5th problem would be the tube getting in the way of the bottom of the gear shift lever.

QUOTE (Dave_Darling @ Jun 24 2005, 11:00 AM)
QUOTE (ClayPerrine @ Jun 24 2005, 05:32 AM)
Also check the clutch tube.

Clutch tube. The 1st/rev problem would be the clutch being out of adjustment, and the 4th/5th problem would be the tube getting in the way of the bottom of the gear shift lever.


Uhhh.. Dave?

I think that may not be true. IIRC the clutch tube is to the right of the shifter. When you go to 4th or 5th, the bottom of the gear lever moves to the left........

But then again, I have been known to be wrong.....
...And I've been known to swap things left-for-right in my head... biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Dave_Darling @ Jun 24 2005, 12:10 PM)
...And I've been known to swap things left-for-right in my head... biggrin.gif


Bloody "Rocket Scientist" lol2.gif

Can't even remember left from right. I learned that as a E-1 in the Army!!!

QUOTE (ClayPerrine @ Jun 24 2005, 10:32 AM)
IIRC the clutch tube is to the right of the shifter.

nope, the clutch tube is to the LEFT of the shifter. if the tube brakes lose from the welds, the bottom of the shifter will hit the tube when you try to go into 4th/5th ...

usually, if that is the case, you can hear the shifter rubbing against the tube ....
wink.gif Andy
If the linkage isn't adjusted right on mine, going into 4th and 5th will make contact with the heater lever mechanism. You can see the lever move when you shift. Then it gets difficult.
Did some trouble shooting this morning. Tranny & engine mounts look fine. Checked the set screw Andy was taliking about, fine also. Looks like I need some new bushings and adjustments.......and the clutch tube welded back in place dry.gif loose at the fire wall, haven't checked up by the shifter yet. To damn hot for working in the garage for me (95 with 65% humidity, I know wuss)

QUOTE (itsa914 @ Jun 24 2005, 12:26 PM)
and the clutch tube welded back in place dry.gif loose at the fire wall, haven't checked up by the shifter yet.

well, there's your problem (or at least one of them) ...

i venture to say the front of the tube is still attached because if it completely brakes lose, your clutch usually just stops working all together ...

but don't take my word for it, double-check!
smash.gif Andy
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