The alternator on the new to me 2.0l GA case engine / transmission I recently acquired looks past it. I supposed I could go get it tested but given that engine it out and runs are off now would be the time to make sure it goes back in with a good one. That brings up a couple options;

1) test and refresh the existing one
2) find a know to be good used one
3) buy a same-same result replacement
4) but a same-same new one
5) find an upgraded one with higher output

#2 seems like a false bargain
#5 seems unnecessary since I don’t have any plans to be able to wake he entire neighborhood up with a massive sound system and / or I am not running African Safari style lights since we have sadly little wild game running around down here.

It occurs to me that I might need more coffee after writing that last bit....

Ideas and suggestions on 1-5?

Thanks and good morning.