I got a 914-6 engine harness for Christmas, thanks to the talent of Perry Kiehl. It is a thing of beauty. It also came with a wiring diagram and a video with explanations. When you're not familiar with auto wiring this is a god send. After the ordeal Perry and family went through this fall, please send good wishes to him.Click to view attachmentClick to view attachmentClick to view attachment
Dec 24 2019, 03:48 PM
Looks great, as does that engine!
Dec 24 2019, 04:45 PM
That engine is soft porn !
Dec 24 2019, 07:00 PM
Thanks Mark! Your engine looks top notch for sure!!
Dec 24 2019, 09:09 PM
Wasn't even Xmas when I got mine from Perry and I didn't care,my engine was in and I could start it soon....great feeling any time of the year . He just makes the best conversion loom around,end of story,cheers mate.
Dec 25 2019, 06:39 AM
That engine looks so good I'd have to display it in the den for a few days. That is one sexy looking engine. What kind of finish/coating is that on the upper valve covers? Merry Christmas.
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