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Full Version: can trailing arms be removed with engine in car? > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Can the rear trailing arms be removed with the engine in the car? Do the heat exchangers have to be removed (I hope not)?

I am thinking about pulling mine off to see how the bushings look (I have a clunk on accel) but I really, really don't want to drop the engine again to do it.
Yes you can. You might also want to check your engine mounts (On the engine bar there are the two at the ends and there are the two that bolt to the engine)

These can cause a clunk on acceleration.
Thanks John, that is on my list. I can tell I am going to be spending a lot of time under the car in the next few weeks.
A CV joint that is loose (partway unbolted) can make a single clunk when going from stopped to forward motion, or from forward to reverse (or rev to fwd).

CV joints were tight, after the last "incident" I got pretty good at checking them every once in a while. One CV feels worn, it has significantly more rotational slop than the others. I am going to disassemble all the CV joints and see what they look like inside. The trailing arms are a potential "while I'm in there" thing to check out, but I am not really looking forward to losing my alignment so I haven't pulled them off yet.
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