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Full Version: Happy Birthday's.... > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Mrs. K
Happy Birthday to Jeff my "Giants fan homie" wink.gif
and Christie...Jeroen's sweet wifey! wub.gif

And everyone else.......have a few beerchug.gif for us all!

ldino21 (40)
Garland (49)
scruz914 (51)
Christie (32)
tabs914 (36)
clap.gif tunez.gif birthday.gif girlboing.gif rock_band.gif birthday2.gif birthday3.gif

Lisa biggrin.gif
A whole gaggle of birthday's today... wow!

Happy birthday, guys! birthday.gif

-Rusty smoke.gif
Thanks Lisa!

There are quite a few birthdays today. And look who's the oldest... ohmy.gif

Happy Birthday to all. beerchug.gif

hmmm.... 32 eh? dry.gif
I'm sure she told me it was 26 idea.gif


happy b-day to everyone else too!
beerchug.gif beer.gif
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