Three things horribly wrong with that setup
1. The belts are attached directly to it. This is not correct unless it is part of a full cage. If the bar is connect between the two upper seatbelt holes, it is not sufficient. Unless part of a full cage, you cannot hook the belt to it. That is why they call them harness GUIDE bars...
2. If this is for a street car, then you are asking for a serious head injury with the bar positioned there. Front or rear collision (or rollover) will subject occupants to significantly higher risk of injury with those bars there. Belts stretch and occupants move at significant G loads.
3. Location of restraint is incorrect. Belts should approach the shoulder from behind at no more than a 10 degree angle. Raised up high like that, the occupant would be allowed to travel up the belts in the case of a rollover and placed in contact with the bar or with the roof it it stays attached or the road/tree/gravel/whatever if the roof comes off.
At least you will be able to get at the window to clean your brains off!