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Mike D.
Last week A house in my neighborhood burned because of a fire that started in the garage. Actually most of the damage was in the garage with smoke damage throughout. Anyway, the fire dept. said that fire started in the engine bay of the family PORSCHE. A 993 coupe, It looked like a 993 from the chared remains. It could have been a body kit, there were no details. The home owner said that just that morning he had to jump start the car, and had just parked it in the garage and then left for work. There was a picture in the local paper, what a mess. Dumb 911...
-Mike D.
Don't people realize the safest way to store your Porsche is in the garage, up on jackstands, with the engine removed? Mine's been that way for a few years with no problems at all.
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I've heard of this issue with the 95 993. I just had mine in the dealership for the wiring harness recall. Porsche cares so much they paid for its replacement. Not bad for an 8 year old car.

The wiring harnesses would crack on the earlier 993s, especially ones in rougher climates.

Apparently, not only would they start on fire, but could turn over randomly (without key). I saw pictures of a charred 993 and it was... well.... ugly.

Mine would just go nuts when I turned the AC on or just washed the car.

Don't be dissuaded though, the 993 is a damn fine car, after my 914s of course.

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Didn't they add a heat shield because the wiring was getting baked by the exhaust?
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I'm not sure about adding heat shields on the 993 but the harness is accessed on the top end of the enigine.

My understanding is that the harnesses were cracking and starting fires and doing weird electrical things.

Bummer about the house burning down though.
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