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Full Version: 2.0 D-jet on a 1.7 motor > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
I'm guessing replacing intake runners and using either 1.7 injectors or lowering the fuel pressure to lean it out a little?



This should have 20 answers by now... dry.gif

It's not like I'm asking for the specs or differences between the various stock FOUR cams poke.gif

Replace the runners with cut-down 1.8 ones. The 1.7 ones are too long and the tubes are too narrow to properly mate up with the 2.0 plenum. The 1.8 ones are at least the same diameter as the 2.0 ones. The 2.0 ones could have holes drilled to fit the 1.7 head, but I don't know if there would be enough room to fit a nut on the two central studs.

The 2.0 injection will run a 1.7 rich. Going to 1.7 injectors, MPS, and ECU should correct that. A 73 2.0 ECU is a 1.7 ECU (same ECU was used for both 1.7 and 2.0 that year) but the 1.7 injectors and MPS ($$$!) would still be needed.

Joe Ricard
the question is why?
if you are going to do this on the cheap then the results will be somewhat less than spectacular. Slap it together and post your results so we all know what to or what not to do.
Will it run? sure,, will it be the cats meow of smooth idle and lots of power probably not.
It's not for his car... Someone on the Bird board is having some trouble iwht a 1.7, and it looks like he is willing to sell them the FI off his old 2.0 if they can use it.

If this will work. I'll trade for a pair of Webers.

I like carbs.

Joe Ricard
CARBS the medicine to quell the cravings of the endless car tweaker.
I love how my motor runs on carbs.
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