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Full Version: more questions from Queenie > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
here is a photo illustrating leaks on Queenie's 2.0.
This leak eminates from around one of the head stud.
Ideas from the almighty forum?
...and a second photo of a leaky intake port area.

¿How did we fix cars before the internet?
giving this a bump since it got no response yesterday...
Brad Roberts
We put sealant on the thread of the heads studs... some of them go into blind holes and some of them are exposed on the crankcase oil. I *thought* that one was blind and didnt see any oil..

What sucks is: her heads dont have breather ports.

Aaron Cox
good point brad- could you rig up a breather and filter on the valve cover like on v-8's?
Brad Roberts
Yep.. we weld "bungs" to the valev covers and make them breath. The late cars didnt have breather ports in the heads (just a blank)

hmmm. Could account for the spittin' pushrod tube seals.
Any reason to expect this more on the right bank than left?
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