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Full Version: This guy has a Carrera GT > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Dude with Cars

Must be nice to have that much money to buy every super car made (almost).
Must have an extraordinarily small penis... biggrin.gif

I definetely would build bigger garage space for those beautiful cars, they each need their own stall, kind of like a thouroghbred horse.
His super car collection is not complete. No 914 v8 in that lot. happy11.gif
Penis size is irrevalent in this piece, there's not one of us who wouldn't like to be able to trade places with this man.

He had a good point about comparing the cars with paintings, there are times that its nice just to go out to the garage and look at them. Don't always have the time to take them out for proper exercize.

Enjoy your toys!
QUOTE(GeorgeRud @ Jun 9 2006, 10:00 AM) *

Penis size is irrevalent in this piece, there's not one of us who wouldn't like to be able to trade places with this man...

He was joking, making fun of the common excuse people give.

HELL YEAH I would trade places w/him! I'd love to be able to do that although my dream is to have a garage dedicated to nothing but mid-engined sports cars all painted Bright Orange (the color of my Squareback biggrin.gif )
SERIOUSLY nice stable
Such a waste, nice squareback though
QUOTE(Tobra @ Jun 9 2006, 02:23 PM) *

Such a waste, nice squareback though

Why is that a waste??? Other than the fact that he does not drive them very often (or not yet).

His money. His ball. If he wants to admire them let him.

I rather drive but oh well.

Oh and I sometime do just go out to the garage and have a pipe and a beer and admire my cars too. VERY relaxing.
QUOTE(olav @ Jun 9 2006, 12:03 PM) *

Dude with Cars

Must be nice to have that much money to buy every super car made (almost).

Very interesting piece! Thanks!java script:emoticon(':)', 'smid_3')
Isn't there a teener color that is that greenish/yellow?
I can relate! Many's the time I've gone into my garage just to look at the way the setting sun plays lightly over the classic lines of my '88CS and the way the growing shadows fill the empty space where Ol 'Yeller used to be. I'm content with a much smaller garage - to each his own!
That is a SERIOUSLY nice finish on your garage floor (nice car too)
QUOTE(smontanaro @ Jun 9 2006, 08:12 AM) *

Must have an extraordinarily small penis... biggrin.gif


Cars like that I bet he does not have a penis! w00t.gif beerchug.gif
Its going to be thus:

Subie converted 914 (just got the 914 so it may be a while)
350hp Datsun 510 ah la retro with SR20DET
2.5L BMW E30 M3 (Evo III style) with half cage and all the goodies I could ever want
Subaru STi

Don't get me started on the motorcycles I will have, already have my teenage love child; CBR600RR 2005 Black
Anybody? What's that funly yellow/green 70's color? confused24.gif
QUOTE(Eric_Shea @ Jun 10 2006, 09:59 AM) *

Anybody? What's that funly yellow/green 70's color? confused24.gif

You mean ravenna green?
I don't know... anyone got pics? It's like that car in the opening sequence.
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