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Full Version: Whats a drivers window (roll up) cost to replace? > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
I'm just wondering if it's worth it to file a claim with my insurance company?

Has anyone had one (drivers roll up window) replaced? And what was it worth?

Car was parked behind my house, doors unlocked and nothing inside to steal.
Im interested in this one as well as i would like to replace my window also.
spare time toys
What year? I dont know if it matters on the glass. I have glass for a 71.
Dr Evil
They have crime in Canada? I am sure many folks could ship you one. I had a bunch sitting around just in case of this very thing before I moved. Sorry your car was whacked.
I am in need of the early type windows with the roller guides, I have picked up a few pairs of used but all of them were badly scratched.
Easy in emeryville, CA or Parts Heaven in Hayward CA both have them for 40-50 bones.
It's a 72, so I'm not sure if it's early or late style. (it's the V8 car)

The funny part is the house next door burnt Wensday ($180,000 damage) and their insurance company has had 24 hr security on it since then and it still got hit.

I'd be hiding the body today if I caught them...........
Sounds to me that the car was parked to close to the burning house and the heat popped the glass.
I'd check with the neighbors appraiser to see if it is covered.
QUOTE(GWN7 @ Aug 20 2006, 04:04 PM) *

It's a 72, so I'm not sure if it's early or late style. (it's the V8 car)

It is an early window, is it tinted or plain glass. Window should be inexpensive enough, and I have one I'm sure. Shipping is expensive since it needs to be crated.
QUOTE(tracks914 @ Aug 20 2006, 06:41 PM) *

Sounds to me that the car was parked to close to the burning house and the heat popped the glass.
I'd check with the neighbors appraiser to see if it is covered.

You forget what I do for a living chairfall.gif beerchug.gif As I was at work and 20 some odd guys I work with attended the fire and the actually breakage happened 5 days later they will go ..... NAWWWWWWW!!! biggrin.gif
I just parked the RX7 out back......I should set up my tree stand blind on the roof of the garage and wait with the crossbow to see if the same puke comes by tonight......... naughty.gif gunner.gif
QUOTE(davep @ Aug 20 2006, 06:49 PM) *

QUOTE(GWN7 @ Aug 20 2006, 04:04 PM) *

It's a 72, so I'm not sure if it's early or late style. (it's the V8 car)

It is an early window, is it tinted or plain glass. Window should be inexpensive enough, and I have one I'm sure. Shipping is expensive since it needs to be crated.

Thanks Dave,

It was plain glass. I have a set of 72 doors up at the farm that came off the wind chime car....Just have to make the 5 hr trip up there to get them.. sad.gif 2 hrs up and 1 hr visiting and 2 hrs back

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