First post, noob here! Hello all and thanks for letting me in on your fun.
I have a 74 Super Beetle.... ok you can all stop laughing now. (914 someday, but for now I like my Bug) I am in the process of upgrading from a stock VW trans and a 12A rotary engine to a turbo 13B (~300hp and 250ft/lb of torque) and a 901 transaxle. I am sending some engine parts out for nidriding and I would like to get in as many parts as I can while I am at it that may benifit from the treatment. I am aware of the first gears lack of support and was thinking that having the drive and pinion shaft nitrided to make them less prone to deflection (I will still be gentle, not a drag car). I am a little worried about the diff since it's only a 2 spider and a Quaife is not in the budget. I think nitriding the diff housing should help reduce flex and keep the pinion gears fully engaged. I will probably have the pinion gears done as well. Now I'll admit that this is the first trans I have had apart and I am not familiar with what is prone to failure and what is fine for these power levels. In the Type 1 world you always hear the welded keyed 3rd and 4th, super diff, heavy duty side cover, etc. So if any one has some good info on how to beef up a 901 that would be greeeeat
PS anyone have a 901 nose cone from a 911 laying around???
PPS who ever had the red 914 out at the woodward dream cruise yesterday very nice, very clean, kick ass.