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Does anybody know where to get the gaskets that go between the intake runners and the head? I don't mean the spacer, but the paper gaskets that go on either side. I got some with my engine gasket kit, but I can't find them sold by themselves. Anyone know where to get these? I don't particularly want to spend sixty bucks on a gasket kit to get four gaskets that probably cost 90 cents collectively. Thanks in advance.
Mark D.
Here for example if it's a 2.0, they're not that cheap though.

Pelicanparts must have them, GPR and all the other good vendors.

BTW, the gasgets only come with the spacers I think, you can always make your own, can't be that had.
Jake Raby
I sell them as well.
PM me your address and I mail the pair I have sitting on the workbench.
In a related topic.....

How about the spacers. I couldn't seem to find them on the usual site after doing a quick search.
Jake Raby
They are not in the store site.. At this time due to quantities they are a custom order. They are 35 bucks for one pair for the intake/head and 45 for the carb/intake set.
Do the spacers primarily act as thermal insulators to keep head heat from migrating up to the carb?

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