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Full Version: Tool Question for Engine Rebuild (actually just swapping heads...) > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Swapping Heads on Sat and want as few surprises as possible...

1) Bought this for measuring deck height. Is this the right tool?

Performance 0-6" Stainless Steel Dial Caliper
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2) Bought this lapping compound:

Powerbuilt Valve Lapping Compound Fine #280 grit (half way down the page)
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Jake Raby
I prefer water based lapping compound due to the finish and ease of clean up.

The best lapping compound can be made from Ajax or Comet when mixed with just enough water to give it a compound type viscosity. The Ajax or Comet leaves a really fine surface and does the job very well without scoring the surface like the heavier compounds.

I offer deck height plates/tools for doing the measuring work-I rent these and sell them through my store along with head cc kits.

Glad to see you are doing the job the right way!
Jake - Thanks for the reply.

Will the Powerbuilt compound (280 grit) suffice (clean up be damned happy11.gif )The Comet/Ajax lapping compound may be the *best* way (I don't doubt you've tried most other compounds) but prob more involved than I need to do the job while still doing it the *right* way.

Will I be able to measure the deck height using the Caliper I already bought?

The Heads are getting cc'd by a reputable local shop.

One last Q - I just bought one of your Type 4 rebuild DVD's from your store. I have one on VHS but don't want to lug a vcr into the garage. DVD on a laptop seems an ideal setup... I tried calling the number on the order form (for phone orders) and it just rang... ??

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