QUOTE(cobra94563 @ Aug 23 2006, 03:07 PM)
I was thinking I could attach a pointer lower on the pulley, remark the pulley and time on that. But if the flywheel is accessible, that too would be a good point.
fact is, once you have TDC on #1, any mark you make is arbitrarily TDC, so you could extend a pointer tab tacked onto the oil pan even to the balancer and paint a stripe. The issue there is the next part of the quote - total timing. Hard to hold the throttle open to 3K and time on your back under the car - unless you got some rubber arms I should know about
The opening on the trans is right on top behind the distributor, so can't get much better for being able to stand in one spot.
I agree on setting total timing...
I get away with 36 total on pump, but my compression is only about 10.
yeah, you should be fine. I am 11.13:1 with long rods, so I can't get away with it. I was surprised I got that far on a SBC, but timing is pretty cylinder head chamber dependant. I have 1/2deg angle mill on mine to get down around 56cc, so I expected nothing over 34deg, but that motor just eats up the gas and timing and makes tons-o-power on the dyno.
Good luck!