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Full Version: WAY-WAY OT: SuperNintendo Anybody Got One? > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Bruce Allert
Ya, I know, but this is the only place I can go to ask for help. All the Nintendo forums are filled up with how to play games & make yer own characters... shit like that!

Anyway, I hooked it up to the TV and a small portion of the bottom doesn't show. It's there but it's like the TV screen isn't large enough to accomodate the game. I don't remember the system being like that.

Question is, anyone know how to adjust the game console?

are you sure there isnt a zoom feature turned on the tv itself?

other than that, i dont know of any adjustments for SNES
your expecting too much from the ol SNES.

its your tv. do you have widescreen?
Bruce Allert
Actually, the TV I'm using it on is prolly as old as the SNES. I'm sure it used to work just fine until I let the nephews use it alfred.gif

Push and hold power button and push reset button and release simutaniously. Repet a couple of times if necessary.

If that doesnt work, try power on & off on the snes a few times.
I had an old large-screen tv working with the snes. Sometimes the screen would fit and that is what I would do.

Good luck!
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