I pulled the original sail trim and vinyl off. Purdy original paint underneath. Passenger sail has a pencil (?) marking on it...looks like the letters CA. Thanks to various previous owners the chrome trim needs replacing. My plan is to keep the vinyl off and weld up the lower sail trim mounting holes.

1. Suggestions on removing the original contact cement off and cleaning the inside of the sails -- I can see rust and dirt in them mad.gif

2. Finishing the sails what the chrome trim hides, you know, the lip where the metal panels are spot welded? Can I cut the lip and weld the seams ( welder.gif harder) or simply put the chrome trim back on ( smash.gif easier)? Any suggestions on repairing the trim? The rear trunk lid broke free of its hinges and the lid used the wide, vertical back trim as its stop, thus it's nicely dented in...deeply mad.gif Not to mention that taking those pieces off was a REAL pain in the ass!