Feb 19 2007, 08:03 PM
Nelson discovered this weekend that he does not have the socket to remove his 968 wheels.
Can you ID this lock? Advice on getting the key?
Feb 19 2007, 08:28 PM
If all else fails try something like this:
wheel lock removerI think they sell a cheap version at napa. They work great, rim thiefs love 'em.
Feb 19 2007, 08:32 PM
I've used "reverse EZ outs" (sears or snap-on truck) to pull those before, not sure you have the room to get them on though....
I believe those are factory wheel locks though, maybe the stealership will have a master key?
Feb 19 2007, 08:33 PM
Dammit Dana...
Could always shoot them off Joe
Aaron Cox
Feb 20 2007, 01:42 AM
when i 'steal' wheels (at a junkyard)
we take a socket that almost slides on... and use a BFH to beat it on... then break em loose
kill a cheap socket....
Feb 20 2007, 02:12 AM
Is that the lock with the spinning head??????
If so...... I would drill it... for sure.
If the head doesn't spin.... Either use a socket A'La'Aaron or find a buddy with the snap on removal tool.... They work like a charm.
If all else fails. Weld a big ass bolt to it and turn it off....... Tape off the wheel are before welding... Or put wet rags around weld area....
Sparks pit wheels...
Feb 20 2007, 02:53 PM
take the plastic cap off first.
key goes in, twist, take the cap off.
if not, drill it out.
shit, nevermind...
check the glove box for the socket?
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