It has to do with photography and marketing in a mobile setting. That's where you guys come in. I have 3 issues, and anyone can offer their constructive feedback and I'll appreciate it.
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I like the Dodge/Mercedes Sprinter and it will be converted with these features:
- 110 power inverter and wiring for electronics such as my Mac and large monitor among other items.
- A soundproof (as much as possible) section in the rear as an audio sound studio.
- Desks and cabinets for electronics.
- Exterior scene lighting.
- Rear AC/heat
I'm not handy enough to tackle it, but the cost will be huge to have it commercially converted!
p.s. if this business doesn't fly, this is what I'll be living in down by that river i mentioned before!
TOPIC 2~ Custom circuit board for LED signs
It seems simple to me for someone who knows what there doing, but I'm probably wrong, because I don't know what I'm doing.
They'd be 12-volt super-bright LED, solar rechargeable and edge-lit acrylic. Anyone with experience here who wants to offer design advice or would like to help me with a mockup I could really use it. I have a sketch and parameters laid out, these parts would be eventually manufactured in China.
TOPIC 3~ Market research
If anyone is a subscriber to e-marketer or a similar service... REALLY expensive, and I just need background info on some specific trends. It'll take me months to compile data at the law library that these people have already done a great job acquiring.
This is a big project, and a lot to ask you guys, but compensation of some kind will be available, so speak up if you want to!