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Does anyone have a set of test gauges that can be used to tune Bosch CIS fuel injection?

My son has a 1986 Audi 4000CS with the 1.8 liter Fuel Injected engine. Lately it has experienced a warm start problem. The engine is very difficult to start when warm. Engine is running fine, shut is off and immediately try to start the engine and the starter will crank and crank but not fire. If the accelerator pedal is held down, the engine fires intermittently.

The gas tank filter and main fuel filter are brand new. The distributor cap, rotor and spark plugs will be replaced tonight.

I'm guessing the Control Pressure Regulator is out of adjustment. The Thermo Time Switch seems faultily also since cold starts are not the best (fine when the temp is below 40 degrees F, but not good between 40 & 70 degrees F)


Cap'n Krusty
86 should be CIS-E. If it is, there's no W/U regulator. Check the "motor" fuse in the fender side of the fusebox. It's NOT a "spare", as many people have discovered at great expense! If it's not CIS-E, and if you can furnish a F/P gauge, I can supply the valve/hose component with the correct fittings. TTSs rarely fail, it's usually the wiring. CSVs don't fail, either. F/P check valves are a problem, and occasionally the accumulators. The Cap'n
Eddie, I have the complete CIS-E fuel pressure gauge set up. Also the Bosch manual. You are welcome to use them at my shop in Port Townsend or I can bring them to my place in Port Orchard. Drop me a line. Larry
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