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I just bought a new ( to me) Bursch exhaust on E-bay. P.O. says light rust,

I hope. I plan to sand it all off and paint with a High Temp. Paint.

What paint have you used and recommed, Spray Can Hight Temp. Grill Paint,or what??????????
Thanks in advance Dave slap.gif
Never found anything that worked....

Maybe others were luckier...

I've had good luckwith Bar-B-Que Grill paint.
This is definately what you're looking forhigh temp
Spend the money and have it ceramic coated. I did it to my Bursch exhaust almost 7 years ago and there is still no sign of that evil rust. Cost $150 including the blasting. Assemble with stainless hardware and then drive the shit out of it for a long long time and don't ever look back!
I use cold galvanizing paint. It's over 90% zinc dust with a binder and will only flake off if there's paint under it.
BBQ paint is probably the best paint for STEEL only parts. Everything else will peal off. The BBQ paint will blush rust after a coupl of years but one only needs to reapply another coat. Ceramic coated for $150 is a good deal since my best price for a four pipe header is $200 plus shipping. Ceramic will last as long as your car lives and will be a good resale item in the future. If your a do it once kinda fella, ceramic is the only way to do it right. beer.gif
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