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Full Version: WOT: Needs some votes > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
I have a photo I took that is entered in an online contest. With so many entries I could use alittle help with the votes. I am not lookin to win the competion only to have my photo move up so gallery owners can have a chance to see my work.

Here is the link to my online photo:

Saatchi Gallery

Any votes would be appreciated.
1970 Neun vierzehn
Nice collection of pics in your album.

BTW, vote has been cast.
Thank you for your vote and comment.
Nice Pic! thumb3d.gif

I also voted on some of the other "art". I think I wanted to hang myself after looking at some of the stuff... wacko.gif
PeeGreen 914
Nice work. Vote cast. I really like your spiral staircases. Nice work
Thanks again for the nice comments and votes.
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