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Full Version: Ready for the weekend, finally! > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Finally got the car back together and race ready. Of course it is raining outside but what else is new for Seattle. Doesn't look like a 76 anymore does it? driving.gif
Looks good Geoff. I just got my sway bar sorted out, and now I am cleaning out the wheel wells.
Are those cookie cutter wheels?
I really dig the cookie cutters; all in all, looks fantastic!
Yep, 7x15's with the Kuhmo's on(got em cheap). Looks pretty tight in the back so I'll have to get a baseball bat. I don't think I will run the Kuhmos this weekend as its suppose to rain. I went around the block and about near did a 180 as they are slick in the wet.
The Dunlop SP8000's aren't too bad in the slop especially with the new suspension upgrades.
Geoff smash.gif
Dave Cawdrey
Looks so much better. Dont like them 75/76 bumpers too much barf.gif

Where and when this weekend?
Damn that car looks familiar! (black cookie-cutters n' all). I like it...have fun this weekend. I'll probably be working sad.gif
Brad Roberts
I thought it was a pic of your car Chris.

Looks good Geoff. I sent you one of the race bumpers that bolts on. The tops arent so good on the race versions. You'll probably need to build some tabs under the "bumper top" to keep it from puckering if you havent already.

The bumper fit sweet onto the front lip that the 75-76 bumpers have just a few adjustments smash.gif and it fits great.
Getting the grills to fit was a challenge but they're in. Now just need a set of driving lites....
The car really handles nice now can't wait to run it on dry pavement.
Dave, the race is this Saturday at Bremerton.

Brad, I posted a topic about the AX this weekend but I don't know how to get it "Nailed"?
Brad Roberts
I'll nail it tomorrow after the dinner for Jeroen.

A administrator can nail it for you. (Andy,Olav,Jeroen,me)

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