Apr 4 2008, 08:17 AM
I removed my fuel tank for cleaning; I removed the 2 fittings at the bottom of the tank to replace the fuel screen and general cleaning. The original fuel screen was almost completely gone. I can not seprate the nuts from the copper tubes for cleaning and removal of the remaining screen end. I have soaked them in de-greaser with no luck. Please any suggestions or if you have extra copper tubes I would like to buy them. I bought extra nuts, washers, and screen from AA, but they don't stock the copper tubes. Thanks Mike
Apr 4 2008, 08:23 AM
Contact Rich at HPH he can help you out.
Cap'n Krusty
Apr 4 2008, 08:55 AM
They're not copper, they're steel. Degreaser isn't penetrating oil, which you should be using. Generally speaking, after a good soaking (probably overnight) of penetrant, a couple of sharp taps with a hammer and 2 x 4, they should pop apart. The Cap'n
Apr 4 2008, 09:03 AM
One other word of advice... The gaskets aren't available for those fittings, so you will probably have to make your own from gasket material.
Oh and I think I used heat to free mine up.
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