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I have 2 small kids and was wondering if anybody has installed a 3rd seat belt. I have a cushion over the center armrest and my 6 year old (who doesn't need a car seat) fits on it. idea.gif Being able to pick up both my kids if needed is another reason to drive the car as much as I can.
Dr Evil
I would not. You should wonder why the passenger and driver get a shoulder belt. There is a reason and in a collision the center person will likely end up kissing the dash or worse.
my $.02
QUOTE(914helo @ Aug 27 2008, 03:36 PM) *

if anybody has installed a 3rd seat belt.

I don't think they still had the mounting points in '73 ...
idea.gif Andy
QUOTE(Dr Evil @ Aug 27 2008, 04:42 PM) *

I would not. You should wonder why the passenger and driver get a shoulder belt. There is a reason and in a collision the center person will likely end up kissing the dash or worse.
my $.02

Worse, of course, is pithing the child on the shift lever. Shoulder restraints are good and help to prevent hyperflexion injuries of low back and facial injuries. So was there really some type of belt in 914s in the center section at some time?
QUOTE(Wilhelm @ Aug 27 2008, 04:52 PM) *

So was there really some type of belt in 914s in the center section at some time?

Early cars had the mounting points for a 3rd lapbelt seatbelt.

Early German registration papers (Fahrzeugbrief) showed the 914 as a 3-Seater!
shades.gif Andy
I always thought the 'third seat' was a joke. I can't imagine anyone actually sitting there. It would be tough enough for the driver to perform shifts, let alone the person in the 'third seat' having to have their head above the windshield, or to try and fit under the targa top if it was on.

Not to mention the damage to the person sitting there if one were to get in an accident.
Please tell me someone at least has a photo of this...1960's safety era option. laugh.gif

Wait a it this part? Not for Switzerland...that would make sense.

Click to view attachment

Pelican Parts says they can special order it.
QUOTE(rjames @ Aug 27 2008, 05:00 PM) *

I always thought the 'third seat' was a joke. I can't imagine anyone actually sitting there. It would be tough enough for the driver to perform shifts, let alone the person in the 'third seat' having to have their head above the windshield, or to try and fit under the targa top if it was on.

Not to mention the damage to the person sitting there if one were to get in an accident.

It's probably safe to say that it was intended as a child seat, not a 3rd adult seat.
shades.gif Andy
I'd also like to point out my intent of this was for short trips in my small town where my son's school is about a mile away. I wouldn't have my son sit there driving on the freeway or long distances.
I put one in for about a year but it was just too cramped for me and my teenage daughters. I took it out. BTW it was aftermarket not OEM.
I'd also like to point out my intent of this was for short trips in my small town where my son's school is about a mile away. I wouldn't have my son sit there driving on the freeway or long distances.

Yeah, I sound like a mother hen here, but accidents happen everywhere. People get tagged just backing out of the driveway. I wouldn't take the risk of putting a child in a meager lap belt.
You need to remember that when the 914 was designed, seat belts were still optional equipment on American cars. My parents bought my 914 in 1973, and I still remember riding on the center seat all the way from Oklahoma City to Dallas. Only restraint I had was my Mom's arm across my chest every time Dad moved for the brake pedal! biggrin.gif

And yeah, certainly not recommended for adults. Or children. Or wombats.

Now if you absolutely, positively *had* to do this for short trips, here's how I would approach it. I haven't looked at the seat belt mounts in my 'teener since, well, ever, but I imagine they're much like the ones in my wife's '72 super beetle 'vert or my waterpumper VWs - a tapped boss in the body with a bolt and the removable mount. You should be able to find suitable belts to add a third lap belt with little trouble. Try looking in 80's/90's vintage VWs in junkyards. I'd remove the center 'seat' and tray. Then find a car seat big enough for your youngest to belt into and strap it down.

I'd bet you'll have a hard time finding a seat that'll be big enough for your child yet not make you extremely uncomfortable, but you never know until you try. smile.gif
Dr Evil
I bet you could put a 5 point harness in the center with little problem wink.gif
If he's small enough to fit between the two latch receptacles, you can cross belt him. drivers belt to passengers latch, passengers belt to drivers latch. Now he's double belted.
PeeGreen 914
Go buy a recaro child seat and strap it in. biggrin.gif They make ones that are smaller and fit well in that area.
QUOTE(914helo @ Aug 27 2008, 07:00 PM) *

I'd also like to point out my intent of this was for short trips in my small town where my son's school is about a mile away. I wouldn't have my son sit there driving on the freeway or long distances.

but, most accidents do happen within a few miles from home...

thats why i moved 520 miles from home beerchug.gif
Ahhh yes, I had the third seat belt in my '74 2.0. It was my first 914, and no I don't remember how the belt was mounted. I was 19 or 20 when I had that car. My friend and I drove from the Bay Area up to Tahoe (in the winter, lots of snow) to meet up with one of my friends who was hanging out with her family up there. When it came time for us to leave to head back home, she wanted to hitch a ride. So the three of us, full sized late teenagers drove back four hours from Tahoe to Santa Rosa / Sebastopol. That was a VERY cozy ride. It's amazing what you'll put up with when you're young and dumb. smile.gif She was pretty cute though, so I don't think we minded rubbing shoulders!
I used to drive 2 of my buddies at work to lunch in the 914, a long long time ago. We rotated driving responsibilities and all I had was the teener. One of them only weighed about 120lbs, and the other was my size (200lbs+)
IIRC, the 3rd seatbelt was just like the other 2 early lap belt ass'ys.
I don't think I would do it if highway speeds were involved though.
rick 918-S
Maybe I was beggin to get sued or something. I drove my two boy and two of the neighbor kids around one summer when they were 7-8 years old. We did this all the time. We took the driver side belt and crossed it over the center two kids and clipped the belt into the passenger side receiver. Then did the same with the passenger side. The center two kids were actually double belted. shades.gif. We went to the lake this way all the time. I'd do it again too. Can't live in a bubble.
agree.gif with Rick. There was a person driving around WCR07 with a child in the middle. I won't mention who since people obviously have bad feelings about it.
Joe Bob
Remember the "World According to Garp"?
Arp, Arp, Arp!!
I've done the same thing as rick before, but I never hit the highway - just around the neighborhood.
PeeGreen 914
QUOTE(RoadGlue @ Aug 29 2008, 02:04 AM) *

Ahhh yes, I had the third seat belt in my '74 2.0. It was my first 914, and no I don't remember how the belt was mounted. I was 19 or 20 when I had that car. My friend and I drove from the Bay Area up to Tahoe (in the winter, lots of snow) to meet up with one of my friends who was hanging out with her family up there. When it came time for us to leave to head back home, she wanted to hitch a ride. So the three of us, full sized late teenagers drove back four hours from Tahoe to Santa Rosa / Sebastopol. That was a VERY cozy ride. It's amazing what you'll put up with when you're young and dumb. smile.gif She was pretty cute though, so I don't think we minded rubbing shoulders!

I believe the saying is young, dumb and full of..... ahh blink.gif
...hormones for hot blonds?
PeeGreen 914
laugh.gif Yeah... that will work.
What a Coinky-Dink. Was just browsing E-Bay 'Other Makes' and saw this Matra Murena with three abreast seating and thought the same thing.....wouldn't want to be in that middle seat in the case of an accident! Permanent case of soprano-itis! Ouch! R
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