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When I go to start the 914-4 it turns over ok for 3 or 4 turns but then slows down quick and stops. Turn the key off and back on again same thing, ok for 3 or 4 turns then slows down quick then stops. I know it's not the battery, it's a brand new Optima. Is this the sign of a starter going bad?
Would one of those new high torque starters work better.


74 2.0
wink.gif Just went through this. Yup !
When I pulled it and tested it at FLAPS it was pulling 103AMPS ohmy.gif to turn
New procured and back to normal.
Then again, cleaning up all of the connections (starter and battery both!) is a whole lot cheaper and may fix the problem also!

Rich Bontempi
Don't forget to check the body to transmission ground strap also. Very important!
That would definitely count as "one of the connections!" laugh.gif

High-current path for the starter:

Battery (+) post to positive battery cable
Battery cable to post on the starter
Ground post on the solenoid (gets dirty, but usually not high resistance?)
Starter housing to transmission case
Transmission case to tranny ground strap
Tranny ground strap to chassis
Chassis to battery ground strap
Battery ground strap to battery (-) post

There is also a low-current path, which goes through the ignition switch. It grounds the same way as the high-current path, though.

If you need one I have them for $75 with $25 core. part #039911023X. Steve
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