
Attached, please find the draft master task list. Though in draft, it should give you an idea of the detail of the planning requirements. It is largely dependent on our finalizing the schedule.

If you've volunteered for an area - thank you! You rock! piratenanner.gif 914 folks are traditionally pretty creative, so nobody is going to tell you how to suck the egg... we'll just make sure you get an egg and a straw. Practice and planning will make your area a winner!

Please note a couple of things:

1. Transitions are about leadership. They are CRITICAL. At the end of each event, we need to tell people what, when, where & why about the next "event".

2. Every "moving event" should begin with a good briefing that covers the breakdown plan. driving.gif We tried to do that last year - and we still had some folks that decided they were going to "help" on their own. Could have caused an accident or worse. sad.gif
