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rick 918-S
This is the start of the official 914 Angels group.

If your here it's because you have shown the ability to be a team player and have demonstrated a caring nature.

For now this is a place to toss around ideas. This is RobW brain child. As far as I'm concerned Rob has final say on any and all decisions we make. Rob and I have talked at length about some of the simple ideas we would like to see moving forward.

I will edit this post when I have more time but I just wanted to set the stage and be up front from the start.

1) We are and will be dealing with people.

2) Their feelings and wishes come before our desire to do good things.

We have something going with Mary Shortridge. Mostly by accident. Mary came to our group without expectations. I saw a need we could fill by helping her inventory what she had.

Mike Moorman stepped up to assist with that task and Carrie Sweet volenteered shortly after. What transpired from that point on was not my doing. This was a totally spontanious reaction from the group.
The generosity here is unlike any other board or group of friends I have been associated with. This is a wonderful thing.

But: Moving forward from this point we want to be sure were not treading on Mary's feelings and the special thing she is doing with her family to remember her brother. I think we can continue to assist her. But we need to take a breath and let her tell us it's ok.

I have been in contact with her through this boards pm system. I asked her if she was ok with what we are doing. She did not respond directly to my question but it may be because she was busy with a work project. At least I senced that from her response.

So, I have an assignment for Mike Moorman. if you are willing to accept.

First I would like to thank you for taking your time and selflessly visiting Mary, putting up a web page for her and monitoring the gifts people are sending to her.

Second I would like you to call me on my cell.

I understand you have Mary's phone number. It seems you have developed a raport with her.

After we talk I was hoping you would call Mary and make sure she is ok with our help and see if she will allow us to continue.

IF she gives us a green light I think we can discuss ways to move forward and see she and her family have a memory they can pass on for years to come.

Here's my info:

Rick Ollah
2328 Woodland Ave.
Duluth, MN. 55803


Thank you all.
Its cool to see things progress... for the benefit of anyone "new" here is another original post to help explain things...

Just a repost from the original poll:

"This post has been privatized based upon multiple suggestions to work with "select people" for the purpose of organizing a "914 Angel" group. This group is private to allow those people who want to get involved, to get involved, in a "planning" forum outside of the regular posts.

The main goal is to help fellow 914 owners in various needs, on a case by case basis, as needed, when needed IF POSSIBLE. Using mainly support from other owners, help is voluntary, and should be managed very carefully, especially when or if money raising is involved. There are many criteria that come into play and not all people can be helped. That said, many people can be helped, and many people here like to help. Managing that process and effort is a key to success.

If you are reading this, chances are you have been asked to be a "914 Angel". Nothing is required from you, and it is likely you are here because you decided to help someone, and a fellow "914 Angel" noticed.

This is a work in progress, and may remain a behind the scenes network, or may fail, or may succeed. I figure, it doesn't hurt to try.

Thank you for your participation and interest. If this isn't your thing, thanks anyway but please keep our network and Angels in confidence.

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