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> possible 914 newbie requests guidance, interested in purchasing 914
post Mar 27 2011, 09:17 AM
Post #1

I gotta have more cowbell....

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Good morning All,

There is a 1975, 1.8L 914 on ebay in Alexandria Va that I am interested in, however I have never owned a 914 (I currently have a MG midget as my toy), I have owned a karmann ghia and a 911, so in theory I have some confidence working on cars but I have no experience whatsoever with the 914 engine and its placement. If anyone can inform me of what I should look for and/or steer clear from I would really appreciate the guidance. My ghia was my college car as I could not afford the 914 in my youth, however would now like to have one to tinker with in my forties. I look forward to hearing back from fellow members and will start searching the threads for some advice.


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post Mar 27 2011, 10:12 AM
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Speed Up !!!

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Here is the Guide

oh, and
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post Mar 27 2011, 11:15 AM
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Club Porsche 914 France President

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1975 1.8 is the slowest 914 you can find. Its heavy because of the 5mph bumpers and the engine makes 76 HP. But if it is rust free, it can be the best car you can buy. Because weight and HP is an easier fix than rust...
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post Mar 27 2011, 02:35 PM
Post #4

I gotta have more cowbell....

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Guys - thank you for the advice...I will let you know how it goes, thanks again,

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