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entry Oct 2 2005, 10:28 PM
credit card companys. seems like i get 3 or 4 preapproved apps a week. so i'm supposed to shred them huh? no f-in way. here's what i do. i write void in red wide tip sharpie all over them. then i stuff every piece of paper that came with them, including the envelope, into the prepaid return envelope. see... the postage is prepaid but it is based on a predetermined limited weight and size. i fold everything up so the return envelope is about 3/4" thick. sometimes i throw a few paperclips in them too, scotch tape the edges so the auto opener won't work. the co's get billed for extra postage instead of the prepaid bulk rate. sometimes i write things like " if you keep sending these to me i'll keep sending them back", or " no fucking thankyou", or "what makes you think i want one of these cards?". i think i have too much time on my hands.


entry Jul 13 2005, 11:06 PM
so our state's new govenor has turned me into a tax cheating criminal. added a WHOOPING 60 cents more tax to a pack of smokes. total bill for 20 of the coffin nails is now $6.68, give or take a couple of pennies depending where you buy them. clever move considering the tax on cigars, pipe tobacco, and loose pouch went down screwy.gif . today i bought a carton from a local native american smoke shop. $38 a carton out the door. blow me christine.


entry Jun 30 2005, 09:07 PM
dogs rolleyes.gif . don't get me wrong. a well mannered beast is a wonderful thing, but an owner that can't figure out an appropriate time and place pisses me off to no end.

i went with my wife to "watch" the tallships sail into tacoma today. there is a 2 lane street, narrow grass median (2-4 feet wide), sidewalk, big rocks and a drop to the water. this narrow expanse runs for about 2 1/2 miles and is TOTALY lined with people, baby buggies, kids on scooters, etc. i'm talking thousands. it seemed like every 4th person decided today would be perfect to take their ass sniffing pooches with them to enjoy the sun and the ships. dogs barking, growling, straining at their leads. there is a BIG 4th of july todo in the same area with the same problem. except more people and more dogs. nothing more pleasant than a dog hunkering over, pinching one off, and the owner happily skipping away.

i've been to a-xs with the same dog senerios. why in heaven's name do people have to bring their dogs with them? i've heard the "he/she is cooped up in the house all week long". well these fools need to go into the back yard and throw a ball, play tug-o-war with an old sock, anything. leave the dog at home. PLEASE!!!!