Jan 5 2010, 08:24 AM
Hi, still working on the car as usual and its taking forever but has been fun most of the times... I am going to rebuild the carbs on my 914/4. They are 40mm Twin dellorto carbs I bought from Dave at Mid Engine Mania (GPR) years ago, but they are getting a bit old. I want to pull them apart, fully rebuild them and get my car running nice again.
I am having problems finding dellorto carb parts here in Japan. I have checked the CB performance site and am going to place an order next week and want to order the correct rebuild kit but am having problems deciding which I need....
Anybody want to help out?
I noticed this update kit for sale..how about this
http://www.cbperformance.com/catalog.asp?ProductID=522Do I need this part? Has anyone done this conversion? Is this also a full rebuild kit too as well?
Sorry for all the questions, hope somebody can help out a bit
Jan 5 2010, 08:41 AM
Carbs will work without it. It is a kit to atomize the fuel better across the airflow range which leads to a better bang in the cylinder (less wasted fuel).
Not needed but does give added benefits.
It appears to be complete but no mention of new float bowl needles and seats.
Jan 5 2010, 10:00 PM
They are not needed BUT with this kit you update the idle jet with an improved version that eliminates crud in the jet. While it is not a complete rebuild kit, most parts are there. I can tell you this, I have installed this kit and it was a breeze and the car accelerated and ran a bit smoother than before.
Jan 6 2010, 08:17 AM
If you need to track down odd parts I would look at CB performance, Aircooled Engineering (Utah), or Eurocarb in the UK.
Jan 6 2010, 09:07 AM
...do yourself a BIG favor...considering you do not apparently have a great deal of experience with rebuilding carburators, FORGET about the upgrade parts, kit. YOU DO NOT NEED IT. you will probably need to purchase additional main jets to get that system properly jetted....DELLORTO carburators are excellant carburators, and better than weber in certain ways. PURCHASE a complete rebuild kit, to include new float needle valves....ASK for a master rebuild kit.... this means a kit with ALL the rebuild parts. gaskets to needle and seat, to rubber ..O..ring seals, copper sealing rings,etc etc. keep it simple and do-able for yourself. Go online, or get from the parts supplier a diagram of the carb.(most rebuild kits will have a diagram included). remove both carburators. ONLY dissassemble, clean up, one at a time. Use the OTHER carburator as a guide, to ensure reassembly is correct. pay attention to the secondary emulision tubes and their orentation....opening faces float bowl chamber. do not overtighten the set screws in the carb body....good luck.
Shade Tree
Jan 6 2010, 09:57 AM
That kit doesn't have accelerator pumps or inlet valves. I just put it in a set of Dells. It does have a complete gasket kit. I bought 2 master rebuild kits and the update kits from CB. They shipped it fast. I was disappointed in the fact that you couldn't choose what size of jets came with the update kit.
Jan 6 2010, 02:55 PM
Jet's and the like aren't considered wear items for a carb.
Shade Tree
Jan 6 2010, 03:27 PM
QUOTE(yeahmag @ Jan 6 2010, 12:55 PM)

Jet's and the like aren't considered wear items for a carb.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. The update kit comes with new main jets. I just wanted to choose which jets I was paying for since the kit was developed for a T1 engine.
Jan 6 2010, 03:34 PM
Typically mains are sized by the venturi and are the same for our Type IV's as for the Type I's. That being said, each and every engine is different in it's needs...
craig downs
Jan 6 2010, 11:35 PM
QUOTE(ME733 @ Jan 6 2010, 07:07 AM)

...do yourself a BIG favor...considering you do not apparently have a great deal of experience with rebuilding carburators, FORGET about the upgrade parts, kit. YOU DO NOT NEED IT. you will probably need to purchase additional main jets to get that system properly jetted....DELLORTO carburators are excellant carburators, and better than weber in certain ways. PURCHASE a complete rebuild kit, to include new float needle valves....ASK for a master rebuild kit.... this means a kit with ALL the rebuild parts. gaskets to needle and seat, to rubber ..O..ring seals, copper sealing rings,etc etc. keep it simple and do-able for yourself. Go online, or get from the parts supplier a diagram of the carb.(most rebuild kits will have a diagram included). remove both carburators. ONLY dissassemble, clean up, one at a time. Use the OTHER carburator as a guide, to ensure reassembly is correct. pay attention to the secondary emulision tubes and their orentation....opening faces float bowl chamber. do not overtighten the set screws in the carb body....good luck.
And good information Murray
Jan 7 2010, 07:12 AM
QUOTE(craig downs @ Jan 6 2010, 09:35 PM)

QUOTE(ME733 @ Jan 6 2010, 07:07 AM)

...do yourself a BIG favor...considering you do not apparently have a great deal of experience with rebuilding carburators, FORGET about the upgrade parts, kit. YOU DO NOT NEED IT. you will probably need to purchase additional main jets to get that system properly jetted....DELLORTO carburators are excellant carburators, and better than weber in certain ways. PURCHASE a complete rebuild kit, to include new float needle valves....ASK for a master rebuild kit.... this means a kit with ALL the rebuild parts. gaskets to needle and seat, to rubber ..O..ring seals, copper sealing rings,etc etc. keep it simple and do-able for yourself. Go online, or get from the parts supplier a diagram of the carb.(most rebuild kits will have a diagram included). remove both carburators. ONLY dissassemble, clean up, one at a time. Use the OTHER carburator as a guide, to ensure reassembly is correct. pay attention to the secondary emulision tubes and their orentation....opening faces float bowl chamber. do not overtighten the set screws in the carb body....good luck.
And good information Murray
I Second! I also rebuilt my Dellortos, do it right and do it completely.
Jan 8 2010, 07:45 AM
Dellortos ar a huge improvement over Weber, especially in teh mid to upper rpm transition. this kit works well but there is more difference fro weber to dell than dell to upgraded Dell. I think its worht the extra dough
Jan 8 2010, 08:38 AM
Thanks for the tips people, much appreciated!! Now, when I order these parts are they the same for all 40mm twin Dellortos? Are there different models like the Webers? I bought my Dells so long ago new (from Dave S at GPR) that I forgot what they are, all I remember is they are 40mm.
Here are some pictures
Jan 8 2010, 08:43 AM
Another picture here too I forgot to post...it looks bad in the engine compartment but should be much better when spring arrives hopefully and I have a bunch of parts on order too.
Jan 8 2010, 09:31 AM
As long as you are ordering from CB or ACE they are all "the same" (DCNF). There are a few different varieties, but they would not be a down draft and running on your car.
Jan 8 2010, 10:12 AM
...well in your particular case, you should remove ONE CARBURATOR, and inspect it for size and nominclature. designation may be stamped in the body or at the base, near the mounting flanges. Measure the THROTTLE BORE, butterfly, so you know what you,ve got. BEFORE YOU ORDER PARTS. they are not DCNF. they are IDF.(design type) downdraft carburators.
Jan 8 2010, 10:29 AM
Sorry... I have no idea why I said that. Shouldn't touch a computer before coffee.
DRLA is what I meant to say.
Jan 8 2010, 07:00 PM
QUOTE(yeahmag @ Jan 8 2010, 11:29 AM)

Sorry... I have no idea why I said that. Shouldn't touch a computer before coffee.
DRLA is what I meant to say.
craig downs
Jan 9 2010, 04:36 PM
I notice your air cleaners are short and you have velocity stacks so you need check to see if you have enough clearance between the top of the velocity stacks and the air cleaner tops you need a minimum of 34 mm.
Jan 11 2010, 08:37 AM
Hi, thanks...that helps a bit. I will be going with slightly taller filters so issues with clearance of the velocity stacks, they are the stock ones anyway.
I meant to ask if there are different versions of the 40mm down draft Dell carbs out there? I contaced two shops with pics and some info and am waiting for replies, CB wants 150 to ship to me (FED EX) and will not ship through the post office...
Jan 11 2010, 11:39 AM
Screw CB .... have someone near Farmersville, CA purchase the stuff for you (yeah, send them the money). Once they acquire it, they can put it in a USPS International Priority Mail Flat Rate Box with insurance, tracking, etc for a shit pile less than $150.00. Box has to weight less than 20 lbs for International shipments.
Have them pay for tracking. I sent a package to Belgium, but obviously some USPS employees can't read and they sent it to Brazil. Took 30 days to find it.
Jan 11 2010, 11:41 AM
I'm sure Art Tharen would do it for you for a decent price.
craig downs
Jan 11 2010, 09:56 PM
Yep CB hammers you on shipping. When you place an order they don't show how much shipping will be until they send you an e-mail
craig downs
Jan 11 2010, 09:56 PM
Yep CB hammers you on shipping. When you place an order they don't show how much shipping will be until they send you an e-mail
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