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So I heard back from Harvey's about the specifics of the deal...

Parking: She said she would have to check with the Hotel manager but having a section blocked off for just 914's shouldn't be a problem. Downside is that it will probably be the top level of the parking garage which I believe isn't covered. They do have security guards 24/7 who would be notified we are there and make extra rounds to our area.

Hotel Rooms: We would have to sign an agreement to block off the rooms at the special rate. They require a deposit to reserve the room and we will be on the hook to fill up 85% of the reserved rooms. I told her about the problem Mark had with his Hotel and she said we can lower the number of reserved rooms to make sure we hit the 85% and they would still accept reservations above our number as long as rooms are available, however its not guaranteed above the rooms we reserve. She claims they will sell out for sure on Saturday. We would get our own phone number and online reservation site for people to sign up with a code.

I will point out that we can get the same room rate on Expedia right now if you stay at least 2 nights, without the restrictions. I'm very hesitant to sign anything that requires us fill up a certain # of rooms after all the crap Mark went through.

What does everyone think?
If we can get the same deal via Expedia, we should just announce it as 'the hotel', and direct everyone to get the deal at Expedia. Why mess around with a room block?

Good news on the parking. I'd actually prefer to be at the top of the garage because we can see the stars and be away from anyone else.
Agreed ^^^^^

Don't sign anything. Your intuition is not leading you astray! haha

Thank you for the calls, research, etc.
Sounds good to me...if no other objections, I'll make a post tonight.

Rob or Mark, can you update the thread title to let people know there is hotel info?
Sorry to come to the party late but I have to agree... We should not be signing anything - ever. Mark's bacon did not smell good frying. The stress he was under was visible on one of the most laid back people I know.

Top of the ramp is good. Keeps our bad behavior away from prying eyes. Long as no one throws anything off the ramp mad.gif

We should add that additional people cost extra beyond the two adults in a room. I reserved and said two adults and one child age 12 and they charged an additional $20/night. Got the $10/night off though. Nice catch Brett...
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