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So I will assume that all registrations and t-shirts have been paid for (I know they haven't but I'll change the numbers if last minute ones roll in) so I will give the break down here:

Funds received: $2853.36

T-shirts: $902.26
Badges: $300.97

Remaining balance: $1650.10

If you have incurred any costs for WCR, please add a reply stating what it was for and how much it was. I will bring cash to reimburse in Tahoe if that's ok.

As of 2 minutes ago, we have 66 registered attendants. I did get a PM from 2-OH! that his 914 was in a wreck and will probably not attend. I told him to bring any car and he said maybe...not sure how to handle this, he did not ask for a refund. Anyways, assuming $10/person for dinner, this will cost $660. I will deduct it from the total once I get confirmation it will be $10.
2 Priority Mail boxes to Eric Shea with brake cores for rebuilding = $21.40

1 Large box UPS shipped to Bruce Stone to rebuild peddle sets = $21.64

Mark will have expenses for mugs and vinyl to make awards. I believe Andy quoted us $8/person for meals on Saturday but Jim Dupree will have a better recall of that conversation. Mark, Jim, Andy, and myself were in a face-to-face conversation for that. If I am right about the $8/person, we may be able to ask Andy to feed us Friday and Saturday evenings. Thoughts?
If it's the budget, that would be great to provide dinner both nights, however I thought Jim mentioned once that he preferred Saturday because he wasn't sure if he would be up in time Friday, but I could be wrong.

BTW, I have called twice and left messages for the hotel manager about our arrangements in the parking structure and have not received a call back yet...I'll keep trying, but it is worrisome.
Very worrisome. We need that to provide a sense of security for the cars. Plus I would like to set up a couple easy ups and leave them up for the event...
Please keep us updated about the parking structure situation. Using the extra funds to rent heaters/tent/some sort of shelter may be a good idea being the night temps are going to be low and we're stuck outdoors for dinner. Brrrr.

I'll have a few bucks (around $20?) for getting the hand outs printed out at Kinkos.
I am bringing up two 10X10 and one 10X20 easy-ups. We could use tables... Perhaps the hotel will rent these.

Jim Dupree is going to talk to Andy (caterer) about serving a meal Friday evening as well... He did not think it would be a problem.
Still no call back...I'll call again tomorrow morning.
Wow... thanks Brett. Should we start looking for a backup?
If I don't get someone on the phone today, we might have to. This is very annoying.
Who's the contact at Harvey's? I'll try calling as well.
Found these heaters.
I actually don't have a contact at Harvey's The lady that I originally talked with was in the regional sales/event coordinator. She told me it wouldn't be a problem and to call the hotel manager to set it up.

I will also call her today and see if she can help
Ok good news. I finally got a hold of the head of security and he took down all the info and is going to the director of events with it.

He said security didn't have any problems with what we want, except for maybe the BBQ but he was checking into it. We might have to get a permit/sign release of liability etc for that. I am expecting a call back from him in a couple hours...hopefully it gets locked down soon.

I'll update as I get info.
Perfect. Thanks Brett...
SWEET! Progress is nice.... cool.gif

So I just got off the phone with Harvey's and here's what they said.

BBQ is a no go on their property. They claim according to the health dept, all cooking has to be done by their staff.

She said the car shows they have done in the past are done at the back lot of Harrah's (across the street) and not in the parking structure. She is talking with security now because the note she got said September 13th, not May so she wants to make sure they can work something out. I should be getting an email from her soon with options.

I'm quite annoyed with Harvey's since they told me it wasn't a big deal and to contact them closer to the event to set this up, then they didn't return phone calls and now they seem like its a big deal.

I'm not sure what to do about the BBQ but I didn't bring up any keg because I can guess the answer to that, which I assume is YES until they tell us otherwise.

My priority is that we are cleared with security and will have a private area to park. I wouldn't ask/mention any of the food & drink again. IMHO, since we're just BBQing Sat night, we could just do it and be done before they do anything. And since there is nobody in charge... ph34r.gif
Thats my thought too Mark. I tried to play down the bbq as much as I could, but now I wish I wouldn't have said anything.
I still dont think the parking thing will be a big deal, but hopefully I'll find out soon.
If we are on top of the ramp I doubt there wiould be any problem. We are alone in the world there... No mention of food or drink again though... Keg may have to be stealthed inside a pickup or Van the way it was in Portland.
She said if they block an area off for us, it would be in the back parking lot of Harrahs, not in the parking structure.

Not sure which one is better but I agree I'd rather be in the parking structure to be isolated
Talked with Andy and he can't do dinner for us on Friday.
He also said he only needs to heat stuff on site not acually cook there so any cooking we do will be low key.


Perfect Jim... That makes it easy.
I've been thinking that the back parking lot might be to our advantage. It's probably less in the line of sight for other guests, both in their rooms and walking by. And the less people see us, the less they're going to call the front desk to complain. And we don't have the inevitable people driving too fast or too loud up the parking structure, getting us in trouble.

I say we don't try for the top of the parking structure if they put us out back.
Well speaking of "them", I'm getting pretty annoyed. The last person I talked to a lady named Robin who was setting up the area with security. She was leaving on vacation but said she would email me the contact numbers I needed before she left. Of course, I have received nothing.

I did at one point talk to the head of security about it so hopefully I can get a hold of him again and he knows whats going on, but if not, I'm with Mark in saying screw them and just getting an empty area for ourselves and be nice. They have really been no help with anything thus far.
What a bunch of turkeys! Thanks for everything brett and let me know if you need me to make some calls. Grrr.
I just announced in the forum that Harvey Weidman cannot attend due to the death of a close friend. Al will be talking wheels in his absence.

I think as low key as we can be is good. Normally in the past, we have been at your basic average hotel. They didn't care what we did as long as other guests did not complain. The kids who work the desk after hours when we begin to prowl aren't even going to look out the window if you don't force them to. This is a hotel casino. They have a lot more security. The further we are from prying eyes the better in my mind...
I bought 10 beer steins yesterday for ~$45. And I would like to get another $30 for the vinyl, glass bead, etc.

So $75 for the mugs.
Thanks you down.

Well guys, I have been unable to get a hold of anyone who knows anything about our event. I'm very disappointed in Harveys but I hope this doesn't ruin anything. I say we just setup where we would like, away from other cars and people and do what we like. If they have a problem with something, I'm sure they let us know and we can stop.

Sorry this wasn't more taken care of, there seems to be a big lack of communication at Harvey's.
QUOTE(biosurfer1 @ May 11 2010, 01:33 PM) *

Thanks you down.

Well guys, I have been unable to get a hold of anyone who knows anything about our event. I'm very disappointed in Harveys but I hope this doesn't ruin anything. I say we just setup where we would like, away from other cars and people and do what we like. If they have a problem with something, I'm sure they let us know and we can stop.

Sorry this wasn't more taken care of, there seems to be a big lack of communication at Harvey's.

You did everything you could have short of driving up there and wrapping your hands around their necks. Thank you!
No problem Randy. I would have been more on top of them but the first lady I originally talked to made it sound like no big deal, it wasn't during summer and they do this type of thing all the time.
I wonder if they decided to stop being accommodating once we decided not to sign an event contract with them since we didnt need them for the rooms. I mentioned several times most of us had already booked rooms hoping they would take care of us, but we'll know better next time.
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