Jul 7 2004, 02:51 PM
Yeah, I know I'm off topic, but I can't find a decent BMW bbs to post questions to and I have noticed that a lot of you guys, like me, are into the beemers as well.
My 2000 328i (with only 40k miles) has developed a clunk whenever you let of the gas. I have found a TSB concerning this problem called A/T - GM5 Clunk Noise Group 24 Automatic Transmission 24 09 98. It involves replacing the Output Flange and Spring Washer to fix the problem. The dealer wants $520.00 to do it.
Anyway, Just wondered if any of you guys have experienced this and if so if anyone as attempted the repair themselves.
Jul 7 2004, 03:31 PM
try searching over at www.roadfly.org/bmw
they have a good set of bmw forums, the format isn't as nice, but the search function usually works well, and alot of knowledgable guys are over there.
Jul 7 2004, 03:42 PM
cool! Thanks!
rick 918-S
Jul 7 2004, 04:04 PM
Jul 8 2004, 07:10 AM
I checked out Roadfly and, yeah, they all do it and the concensus seems to be either fix it or live with it. I think I have fewer problems with my 30 year old 914 with 110k miles than I do with my 4 year old BMW with 40k miles.
Jul 8 2004, 08:14 AM
Roadfly sucks, IMHO. Try e46fanatics.com or www.bmwboard.com. You will notice a difference between the boards, but that adds to the knowledge base.
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