Sep 13 2004, 08:11 PM
For those of you not using a stock steering wheel, how far does your aftermark wheel with spacer stick out from the dash? I have a Grant 13" and the spacer adds 5" to take the 6" or so that a stock wheel is away from the dash up to 11". Wondering if this is normal. Thanks. Michael
Aaron Cox
Sep 13 2004, 08:13 PM
post a picture
Sep 13 2004, 08:45 PM
My after-market wheel is actually closer to the dash than the stock wheel. It is so close that I had to cut off the end of the wiper arm so my hand didn't inadvertently activate the wipers. I just went downstairs and measured it. The forward edge of the steering wheel is 2 1/4 inches from the top of the dash pad. I have no idea what brand of wheel I have. I bought it at a swap meet.
Now that I think about it. It may not be because its closer to the dash but I may have been hitting the wiper switch because the wheel has a considerably smaller diameter.
Cheers, Elliot
Sep 13 2004, 09:53 PM
Elliot and Aarond, Car is presently 75 miles away from me but I will post a pix of me holding the wheel in the older 73 "rustbucket". Elliot, I was measuring to the dial faces not the lip of the dash. Using that measurement, I'd subtract a good 3" making the stock wheel be out about 3" and my new Grant wheel about 8". I'll get pix on Wednesday. One good thing about the smaller wheel, there is no probelm with my legs to the pedals even with my long legs. Rgds, Michael
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