Well I will jump in here : with my 2 cents.
I have been around since 1999, The 1st. meet I went to was Hershey ,2000
had a great time meat some great guy,s ( Non rust Scott ) and others,but got
pissed that there were only 8 914's in the peoples choise area.
I stewed about that a month and decided to have one in the Mid West . I had no
idea what to do and how to do it. But using the Club site and P.Parts in one month
of Promotion I got 17 914's and 8 or 10 guys with out there cars. That was a
learning experence for me, So 2 wk's after I started getting ready for the next yr.
With family,and help from 1 local guy, I had a 914'er form Columbus put to
geather a website for me. Buy the Summer of the next yr. I had collected 250
E-mail adddress of teeners in Ohio, Mich, E. Penn.Ind, Ill. I got 34 914's that yr.
Decided it was 2 much work for me ( age) so in turned it over to a Big Group in
Mich. and they had it for the next 2 yrs.
My whole point is we can have nice ,shows,meets,get to geathers . but it a lot of
work you need a lot of help ( a lot) . I would do it all over again, but now at
74 . That has passed also.
You young guy's it is in your hands, Please do it! Ask for help from the
comminuty. This my rant, thank,s for reading it. My 2 cents also !!!