My friend Bobby works as tech at an audio mastering studio. Turned me on to this stuff, which i have tried out on my Subaru bellypan.

The Subaru is sturdy, but has alot of road noise and makes it hard to hear the stereo "properly". So i pulled the interior and carpet and painted the pan and cargo area with this, and I can say that it made a huge difference. Where there was factory tar paper, I just painted over it, and the bare metal areas that rang like a tin drum when tapped (spare tire well) now make a dull thud. It does work. Dampens vibration and insulates against sound.

It can be painted, or thinned with water and sprayed through a gun. Non toxic and odorless and dry enough to reinstall the interior in 24 hours. Fully cured in two weeks. NO funny smells either! Paintable too.

I like it so much i think i'm going to use this on my pan, if i ever decide to install the stiffening kit.

